Antics and escapades of Locke and Lola, twins in action.

19 January 2009

Potty Humor

I'm all for privacy in the bathroom but these two stories were too funny to keep to myself.

Lola has a tendency to use a LOT of toilet paper so I've been trying to convince her to use less. The argument for saving the trees is not entirely understandable to a 3 1/2-year-old, but she does understand that I'd like her to use less than she does. So one day after she'd used the potty, she wiped and then she said, "Mommy, my booty is sooo big, I need one more piece of paper."

(Disclaimer: don't read this next one if you have a low tolerance for poopy talk.)

When we were at my parents' house over the holidays, Lola used the potty and then asked me to lift her up to wash her hands because there was no stool. She was about to change clothes so she didn't put her pants back on. I lifted her up and rested her on my leg while I balanced on one leg. When she finished and I set her down, I looked at my pants and saw a little spot of brown. "Oh, geez," I said.
"Is that poopy?" Lola asked.
"Yes, it is," I answered.
"Oh, you're having a BAD day."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, except Claudia doesn't use ENOUGH toilet paper.

Saturday, January 31, 2009 2:27:00 PM


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