Antics and escapades of Locke and Lola, twins in action.

06 November 2007

Moving Daze

I'd love to blame the recent lack of post activity to the fact that we've been purchasing, and subsequently moving into, a new house. But that wouldn't exactly explain the other lapses in posting. So I'll just forget the past and begin anew with our new space.

For the past two years we've lived in an apartment downtown, which we've absolutely loved. It was great being right in the center of any activities — festivals, football games, concerts, and crazy conventions. But with every passing day Lola and Locke were growing bigger and bigger, and smarter and smarter (they were both perfectly capable of going out the front door, catching the elevator, and probably flagging down a cab, if not watched like a hawk). So we decided that our little family had outgrown the loft and needed some more space.

Kelly and I found a mid-century diamond in the rough in a quiet woodsy area, right on a creek, and moved in just in time to be surrounded in the most gorgeous colors of Autumn. The kids love it. Every time we leave any place we visit — like playgroup, the grocery store, or a restaurant — they say with great excitement, "Are we going to the new house?"

I'm sure they'll eventually stop calling it the new house but I hope they'll always look forward to coming home.

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Blogger Amy said...

Congratulations on the new house. The view looks spectacular.

Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:38:00 PM


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