Antics and escapades of Locke and Lola, twins in action.

06 November 2008

A New Day

Like millions of people, Kelly and I stayed up to see history being made Tuesday night. I like to think that I had something to do with that historical outcome since I volunteered for the Obama campaign and we live in a battleground state that turned blue after a history in red. So we're obviously thrilled with the election. All of us, that is, except for Lola.

Lola has an affinity for the underdog so I guess after being exposed to the numerous polls and projections as I devoured ever bit of political news during the election I could find online, she sensed McCain's impending loss. So, even though she can recognize Obama's face, his written name, and his logo, and she wouldn't recognize McCain if he shook her hand and called her "my friend", she still supported McCain.

Kelly — always the diplomat — was careful to let her know that her political choices would be her own and that no one should sway her opinion once she's made her decision. Even Mommy and Daddy. Well, I certainly bristled at that thought. But, as hard as it is for me to accept, I know it's a good thing for both of us to hear. I'd love for Lola and Locke to grow up believing what I believe, and holding the values I hold dear — and, for the most part, I think they will. But that doesn't always extend to our political choices. Coming from a politically conservative family, I know that all too well. But I hope we can at least discuss our differences with respect for the others' choices and maybe even learn a thing or two from them.

But that's a long way off. For now, I'll continue to try to teach them kindness, compassion, intellectual curiosity, and honesty. If they learn the importance of those values, I can rest assured they'll do the right thing when it's time to make their hard choices.

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05 November 2008

Trick or Treat!

For months, Lola and Locke had known what they wanted to be for Halloween this year. It amazes me that 3-year-olds can make a decision and remain committed to that decision throughout a process like that. Even after several trips to Target and other places that sell costumes, they still stuck with their choices. If only I could be so decisive.

Locke has a profound interest in tornados. Ever since one grazed our neighborhood early this year, he's talked about tornadoes, drawn tornadoes, suggested that every tree with a broken branch had been damaged by a tornado, and, for Halloween, wanted to BE a tornado. Done.

Lola's choice emerged as more of an impulse than a psychological catharsis. A few months ago, we started noticing patches in the yard where some creature had been digging. Early one morning we caught sight of a big raccoon digging and scrounging for a breakfast of seeds and insects before lumbering up a tree. Ever since that morning, Lola had wanted to be a raccoon for Halloween.

We didn't think about the repercussions of these decisions at the time but, after we noticed a dearth in the costume market of raccoon and (not surprisingly) tornado costumes, we realized we had our work cut out for us.

Several trips to fabric stores and Target later, and the costumes began to come to life. Lola was the cutest raccoon I've ever seen (and yes, I've seen a few really adorable raccoons), and Locke really owned his costume. He would happily do a spin for the people handing out candy before thanking them and departing for the next house.

Here are a few peeks at our little cuties in the final products.

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